
  1. Use our Local Logs page to check our prices and free delivery area.

  2. We'll usually confirm your order within 24h of your enquiry.

  3. We take payment on delivery (using mobile card readers) or we can invoice you.

If you need further information, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page.


  • We mainly deliver on Saturdays.

  • We tip the logs at your premises/drive.

  • We can stack your logs for an additional fee if requested when placing an order.

  • Note that we do get booked up, so it's best to plan ahead during peak times.

On the day

We recommend you leave a tarpaulin or sheet where you want your logs tipped.

If you need to get in touch, please text 07778 629079 (or call and leave a voicemail) as we're most likely out on the road.

Placing an order

Sending us a Text Message or a WhatsApp is the best way of securing a delivery.